Tuesday 15 July 2014

I Wanna Make You Smile!

(Text in the speech bubble says: 'I wanna make you smile!')

Psalm 150:6 "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord."

On Sunday, my pastor preached about the Wonders of Praise. As I sat there, taking it all in, I knew this message was for me, as well as for many others. Recently, I've just been zoning out, focusing on other things, when I'm supposed to be praising! 

It's so easy to stand in church during Praise and Worship and just sing the song because you like it or dance because the beat is 'infectious'. I mean, who doesn't like music, right? Music makes you happy, music makes you feel good, etc. But in God's presence, it's a dangerous thing to do. We were created to praise Him - and that's irrespective of how we feel by the way. Praising and worshiping God should emulate out of our love for God. So whether we feel like it or not, He still deserves all the glory - period.  Nothing else should matter when we are in His presence. He is of the highest importance in absolutely everything anyway!

There's this one line in this song that I love: 
'I wanna make you smile' [- Smile/Better Is One Day by Jonathan Nelson].

So whilst Pastor was preaching, I was thinking to myself, how am I going to make God smile? I'm sure I displease Him everyday with my carnal thinking, daily sinning and what have you... so how can my praise and worship, with all this flesh, make God smile?

Thank God for fellow Christians! A Christian brother shared with me that when you're praising and worshiping God, just let all else GO! Just rest in His presence and shift your focus back to Him; get back to that place (where it's just you and God)! It's not as if I didn't know this before but how he explained it just really made me realise my self-centredness in the whole thing. It's supposed to be all about God and I've made it all about me. If I really want to 'make God smile', I've gotta separate myself from everything and let 'Jesus be the centre of it all'! 

Colossians 1:18 "And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence."

Let Jesus have preeminence in our lives, in our praise and worship and in everything we do. 'Cause I don't know about you, but I wanna make God smile!


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