Wednesday 13 August 2014

Identity Crisis?

Recently I learnt that Jacob, in the Bible, had an identity crisis. I discovered that the name 'Jacob' actually means 'deceitful'  and we see from Scripture that Jacob fulfilled this. An example is when He deceived his father into thinking that he was Esau so that he (Jacob) would receive the blessing instead. (Genesis 27)

Jacob needed his identity changed. This happened when he met God and 'wrestled' with Him. God changed his name that day to 'Israel' meaning 'prince with God'. The Lord said from this day you will no longer be called Jacob, but will be called Israel. God changed his name. He was transformed. I would like to believe that this change also transformed his thinking. Jacob was no longer called 'deceitful' but was called 'prince with God'. So instead of the constant reminder of being a deceiver, Jacob would now have that reassurance that he is a prince with God. His mind would be renewed everyday with the knowledge that he has been changed and has been given a fresh, new  identity in God. 

Do you have an identity crisis? Maybe you even think of yourself as 'A deceiver' like Jacob, or as 'a failure' or as 'a mistake'.
Ask God to change your identity today.

Because the truth is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
You are precious in God's sight. Isaiah 43:3
You are even made in God's image! Genesis 1:27

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