Thursday 25 September 2014

Sweet Holy Spirit

For too long, we have ignored the Holy Spirit. I know I have.
When Jesus finished His work here on earth, He said, "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counsellor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever-" (John 14:16, AMP).
Just dwell on that for a second...

Jesus did not leave us comfortless on His return to glory. He did not leave us as orphans (- such love)! When God said I will never leave you nor forsake you, He meant it. (See Hebrews 13:5.)  
So, why do we choose to live as orphans? We have the Holy Spirit with us - forever! But we must have a hunger for Him in order to receive a fresh dose of Him everyday. We have to practice His presence (acknowledge Him daily) and not go on with our lives as if He does not exist.
I thank God for the great awakening that has hit us. What I mean is, at my church, we are currently experiencing a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. He is reviving us once again, breathing on us afresh, reminding us that we cannot do anything apart from Him.
This is such a crucial season. We are in the midst of a revival. We have to cut out all the junk that we allow to infiltrate our lives: the music we listen to, the programmes we watch, gossiping, entertaining nonsense. Even taking offense at what people say or do can grieve the Holy Spirit. It's not possible be completely sinless - yes, but that's why grace abounds. And with that grace, we must separate ourselves, on purpose, from all this junk for the sake of the Holy Spirit who is holy.
Today's blog post is to me as well as to you. There are things I've written here that very much apply to me. Truth is, I'm hungry for more of the Holy Spirit. We sing this song "There must be more than this, Spirit of God we wait for you." And it's true. In this Christian walk, there must be more than this; there is more than this!
I sincerely hope that this has stirred up a desire in your spirit for more of the most Holy Spirit. I plan to do more posts on the Holy Spirit soon, since there are a few more things I wanted to say. But for now... 
...I'd like to leave you with some websites and links that are all about the great Azusa Street Revival, where the Holy Spirit swept across a place in America. I tell you, mighty, unimaginable things happened. Find out here:

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